Τετάρτη 29 Μαΐου 2013

სატირიკულად (satirikulad)=satirically

სატირიკულად (satirikulad)=satirically

სატირი (satiri)

 სატირა (satira)

 სატირული (satiruli)

 WIKTIONARY: Etymology

satiric + -ally or satirical + -ly

Implied in satiric (attested in 1387), from Latin satira, from earlier satura, from lanx satura (“full dish”), from feminine of satur. Altered in Latin by influence of Ancient Greek σάτυρος (saturos, “satyr”), on the mistaken notion that the form is related to the Greek σατυρικόν δράμα (saturikon drama, “satyr drama”).

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